

The skin on the palms of our hands is different than other parts of our body. It's because they contain glabrous skin, hairless skin with specialized blood vessels that enable rapid heat exchange. Meaning, how your body releases heat to cool down, or absorbs heat to warm up, is done more rapidly through our palms because of the vascular properties found in glabrous skin. As a result, certain types of materials will work more effectively at exchanging heat with our palms, resulting in a faster heat exchange process. This targeted approach allows for efficient cooling, enhanced recovery and improved performance.



  • arterio-venous-anastomoses


    Arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) are special blood vessels in areas like your palms that connect arteries (which carry blood from the heart) directly to veins (which return blood to the heart). Unlike normal capillaries, these vessels allow a large amount of blood to flow quickly, which helps release or retain heat. This makes AVAs important for controlling your body temperature efficiently.

  • glabrous-skin


    Glabrous skin is the smooth, hairless skin found on the palms of your hands, soles of your feet, and fingertips that contain the specialized blood vessels — AVAs. When the palms are cooled, the blood in these vessels loses heat quickly, and this cooler blood circulates back into the body, lowering core temperature.

  • palm-cooling-benefits


    This rapid cooling reduces thermal strain on muscles and organs, delays fatigue, and improves overall physiological performance. By preventing overheating, palm cooling also helps maintain focus, muscle output, and endurance — especially during intense exercise or in high-temperature environments.



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AVA Cooling Tech Blog

Cool Solutions for Hot Flashes: Understanding Perimenopausal Symptoms

Cool Solutions for Hot Flashes: Understanding P...

Perimenopause is a natural but often challenging phase of life. Hot flashes, in particular, can disrupt daily routines, exercise habits, and sleep quality. By embracing innovative tools like palm cooling,...

Cool Solutions for Hot Flashes: Understanding P...

Perimenopause is a natural but often challenging phase of life. Hot flashes, in particular, can disrupt daily routines, exercise habits, and sleep quality. By embracing innovative tools like palm cooling,...


Managing Body Heat in Basketball: Fight Fatigue...

Don't let your season end prematurely, knowing you could have done more to help combat fatigue. Every year we hear from teams AFTER the season, wishing they would have done more...

Managing Body Heat in Basketball: Fight Fatigue...

Don't let your season end prematurely, knowing you could have done more to help combat fatigue. Every year we hear from teams AFTER the season, wishing they would have done more...

Implementation of Palm Cooling in a Team Setting: Advice for Athletic Trainers and Sports Performance Staff

Implementation of Palm Cooling in a Team Settin...

Palm cooling is an emerging concept in the sports world. While the research has been growing for almost a decade now, the application at large scale has yet to happen....

Implementation of Palm Cooling in a Team Settin...

Palm cooling is an emerging concept in the sports world. While the research has been growing for almost a decade now, the application at large scale has yet to happen....

The Fall Asleep Protocol

The Fall Asleep Protocol

At AVA Cooling Technology we've been speaking with athletic trainers, athletes and coaches to help devise the best cooling protocol to help their athletes fall asleep. This is our recommendation...

The Fall Asleep Protocol

At AVA Cooling Technology we've been speaking with athletic trainers, athletes and coaches to help devise the best cooling protocol to help their athletes fall asleep. This is our recommendation...

Not so fast: Major issues found with 2023 study showing no effect of palm cooling

Not so fast: Major issues found with 2023 study...

The issue with the current study and only cooling for 1 minute out of the 3 minute rest break is that this may not be enough cooling to detect a...

Not so fast: Major issues found with 2023 study...

The issue with the current study and only cooling for 1 minute out of the 3 minute rest break is that this may not be enough cooling to detect a...

AVA Cooling Founder, Kyle Sela on 'The Gametime Guru Podcast'

AVA Cooling Founder, Kyle Sela on 'The Gametime...

“Too good to be true.” Even AVA Cooling Technology CEO & Founder Kyle was skeptical at first about just how game-changing palmar cooling results can be. ⁠⁠Kyle sat down with @gametimeguru to...

AVA Cooling Founder, Kyle Sela on 'The Gametime...

“Too good to be true.” Even AVA Cooling Technology CEO & Founder Kyle was skeptical at first about just how game-changing palmar cooling results can be. ⁠⁠Kyle sat down with @gametimeguru to...